zamano plc, a leading European provider of interactive applications and services to mobile devices, has today announced results for the 12 months ended 31 December 2014.  


  • Revenue of €19.863M (up 23.9% on revenue of €16.034M, 2013);
  • EBITDA* of €2.735M (up 4.9% on EBITDA of €2.608M, 2013);
  • Operating profit of €2.232M (up 0.4% on operating profit of €2.224M, 2013);
  • Pre-tax profit €2.177M (up 13.5% on pre-tax profit of €1.918M, 2013);
  • Post-tax profit €1.892M (up 10.6% on post-tax profit of €1.711M, 2013);
  • Significant improvement in net cash during 2014 (net cash of €4.603M at 31 December

2014 versus net cash of €2.139M at 31 December 2013);

 John Rockett, Chairman zamano, commented: ” The Group recorded very pleasing  increases in EBITDA, Pre-Tax and Post-Tax profits during the year under review, and, the strong operating performance of the Group during 2014 translated into a consistent improvement in zamano’s net cash position”

“After another highly satisfactory outcome in 2014, the Group intends to remain focussed on maintaining its core business, while at the same time, looking for acquisition opportunities to enable it to strategically re-align the Group”.

Ross Conlon, CEO zamano, commented: “In the year ended 31 December 2014, zamano maintained its upward curve across virtually all of its financial performance metrics. The Group achieved considerable increases in sales, EBITDA, pre-tax and post-tax profits. It also significantly improved its balance sheet position”.

“In 2015, the Group will continue to strive to address the wide array of opportunities available in the web and mobile marketing space. zamano’s significant expertise in data analytics, mobile media and mobile billing/payments makes it an attractive partner for a growth orientated technology driven business operating in those areas”.

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