Analysis Presented to TDs and Senators by 24/7 Frontline Services Alliance


Cuts in pay by as much as 11.4% will apply if the Croke Park 11 agreement is introduced as proposed on July 1st next, a study by financial consultants has revealed.


The pay cuts will hit employees  across the public sector, with longer working hours, elimination of certain payments and reduced overtime pay, according to consultant actuaries, Joseph G Byrne and Sons.


The analysis, conducted on behalf of the 24/7 Frontline Services Alliance, was outlined in detail today to TDs and Senators at Leinster House.


A spokesperson for the Frontline Alliance said: “This study conducted by experts illustrates starkly the major impact on public sector employees if Croke Park 11 is accepted. The analysis shows clearly, sector by sector, how employees will be working longer hours, earning less with a knock-on effect on their pensions.”


“If anyone had any doubts about which way to vote then this report will make up their mind. The simple facts emerging from this study show the real cuts in pay and conditions. It is absolutely vital that Croke Park 11 is voted down.”


The analysis shows the following pay-reduction measures are included amongst the proposals:

 Additional working hours

 Reduced overtime pay

 Reduced Sunday premium payments

 Elimination of twilight payments

 Delay of pay increments

 Reductions on higher remuneration

 Sector specific measures for prison service, education sector and defence forces


In addition, allowances, travel and subsistence payments will be reviewed. The Government also intends to reduce public service pensions in line with the proposed pay reductions to be applied to serving public servants.


The table below shows pre-agreement pay with reductions  resulting from Croke Park 11 and the percentage cuts:


Psychiatric Nurse €48,860 €5,441 11.1%
Staff Nurse €49,501 €5,662 11.4%
Garda €54,954 €2,797 5.1%
Garda Sergeant €62,123 €2,248 3.6%
Garda Inspector €68,746 €2,401 3.5%
Fire Fighter €60,575 €1,836 3.0%
Paramedic €36,711 €3,560 9.7%
Care Assistant €41,945 €3,811 9.1%
Executive Officer €45,616 €3,356 7.4%
Higher Executive Officer €55,415 €4,102 7.4%
Senator €65,621 €621 0.9%








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