Cathy Maguire

Cathy Maguire

When Cathy Maguire decided it was time to take charge of her weight she needed a fresh start.

Weighing 10 stone 7 lbs she felt she was trapped and could not find a way out. She had tried many diets but with no success. Cathy was aware she was much too heavy for her height (5’ 3’’) and needed to find some initiative that would give her the impetus to get a fresh start.

Cathy (36) from Ballyfermot, Dublin, said: “I started putting on weight about three years ago. I had tried diets to tackle the problem but not with any success. I had lost a lot of my confidence and had been less willing to go out. I found I had very little energy and get up and go and I needed something to get me motivated and allow me the opportunity of turning things around.”

It was then that Cathy heard about food intolerance and the simple pin prick procedure that provides a readout of what foods may be causing difficulty in relation to diet and wellbeing.

Cathy met with representatives of Yorktest – the leaders in food intolerance testing. “That was back in March of last year when I underwent the simple pin prick procedure. Yorktest came back to me to inform me that I had an intolerance to eggs and peas. They suggested I should cut out both foodstuffs from my diet and I did so.”

The results were almost immediate. “I found that within three or four weeks I had much more energy and felt much better. Cutting eggs out in particular and peas from my diet was the motivational factor that I needed. I always believed I was eating healthily by having scrambled eggs for breakfast but obviously this was not the case.”

“One thing led to another. By regaining my energy I was able to get motivated it allowed me to then start taking exercise. I felt so much better after cutting out eggs and peas that I was able to join a gym which I now attend three days a week. Cathy is now 8 stone and has not felt as well for years.

“Being overweight really affects you, being physically and mentally. You find yourself in a situation which is often difficult to emerge from and you need something to motivate you. I noticed I was quite bloated before Yorktest recommended cutting out certain foodstuffs. Some people would often say to me when is the baby due and my youngest son, Craig(10), used to joke that I was having a baby,” Cathy says.

An added benefit was how the change in her diet thanks to the Yorktest advice had a major impact on other problems she faced. “I suffered from irritable bowel syndrome and, thanks to changing my diet, that issue has been tackled.”

“The transformation in my life from undergoing the simple pin prick has been fantastic. The dividends it has paid me are wonderful and I have been able to change my life and my lifestyle,” Cathy says.

The Yorktest test involves a simple pin prick which provides a small blood sample which is then dispatched for laboratory analysis. This provides an intolerance check against 158 different food and drinks. The results are forwarded to the client with follow up support and advice from trained clinicians and dieticians.


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