A group of 11 of the State’s foremost voices of industry, business and the retail sector is hosting a press conference today (Thursday, 8th May) at 11am in the Boardroom, Buswells Hotel, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2, to demand action from the Government on upward only rent reviews.

The group, drawn from the retail sector, exporters, small firms and the business community, says that the lack of action by the Government in reforming the law which allows only for rent reviews to increase is strangling the commercial sector and devastating high streets around the country. The group wants the Government to accept a Bill, tabled by Independent Senator Feargal Quinn and already passed by the Seanad, which would have the effect of ending upward only rent reviews.


Representatives from the following organisations are expected to be in attendance: Convenience Stores and Newsagents Association; Irish Commercial Tenants Association; Design & Crafts Council of Ireland ;Irish Exporters Association;  Irish Hotels Federation; Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association; Retail Excellence Ireland; Retail Ireland; RGDATA ; Small Firms Association

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